I’m Brett Finnis, a firefighter and I’ve announced my candidacy for the state seat of Sandgate in the 2024 election. My campaign is focused on one clear goal: to legislate four key principles of expected behavior for politicians, ensuring penalties are applied to those who fail to act in the best interests of our community.


Govern for the peace, welfare, and good government of the State.


Make all decisions and take all actions, including public appointments, in the public interest without regard to personal, party political, or other immaterial considerations.


Treat all people equally without permitting any person or corporation special access or influence.


Promptly and accurately inform the public of the reasons for all significant or potentially controversial decisions and actions.

The principles I advocate are not my original creation.

They have been championed by Tony Fitzgerald and many others who have long warned about the improper behavior of politicians.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of Queensland politics, please watch the video that provides an in-depth explanation.

In fact, it just says it all.

How you vote is your business, that’s democracy. Regardless of who you support, please take the time to watch.

Minimum Requirements

  • Be at least 18 years old

  • Display integrity and honesty

  • Possess strong communication skills

  • A commitment to the needs and welfare of others

  • The ability to make ethical decisions

Great conditions. Starting salary circa 160K. No minimum education or experience.